Over 20,000 GEORGIA'S COAST IS NOT AN ASHTRAY messaged drink coasters are popping up in Golden Isles restaurants and pubs in September reminding folks to properly dispose of cigarette waste.
In a regional partnership project with Keep Liberty Beautiful, Keep Savannah Beautiful, Keep McIntosh Beautiful, Keep Camden Beautiful, Keep Pembroke Beautiful, Tybee Clean Beach Volunteers, the City of Tybee Island, University of Georgia Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant, coast-wide, 50,000 of these coasters are being used in all six of Georgia's coastal counties targeting the nation’s #1 most littered item.
Made of cellulose acetate, a type of plastic, cigarette butts do not easily biodegrade.
(L-R) KGIB's Lea King-Badyna and Heather Wilson have been busy packing and delivering the coasters to local restaurants and pubs.