Easily capture recyclables and reduce landfill waste with the Keep Golden Isles Beautiful Off-site Recycling Trailer and/or Bins Loaner Program – FREE OF CHARGE for events and gatherings.**
GREAT FOR: road races / special events / family gatherings
Off-site Recycling Trailer: Usually for events expecting over 3,000 attendees; reserve up to 4 rolling carts and up to 75 folding metal bins with lids/bags; trailer is used ONLY for the transport of folded bins, not for collecting recyclables or housing collected recyclables); driver must show proof of insurance upon trailer pick up.
Off-site Recycling Bins: Usually for events expecting up to 3,000 attendees; reserve up to 15 folding recycle bins with lids/bags.
Off-site Recycle Bin/Trailer Loaner Program guidelines
**NOTE: for quantities of 15+ bins and/or multiple day usage, a donation to cover recycling bag costs or use of your own recycling bags is kindly requested.
Reserve the trailer/bins in advance to ensure availability. 912-279-1490 / info.kbgib@gmail.com