In an unprecedented collaboration, dozens of conservation and gardening organizations joined together to form the National Pollinator Garden Network and launch a new nationwide campaign – the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge. Designed to accelerate growing efforts across America, the Network launched the Challenge to reverse the decline of pollinating insects, such as honey bees and native bees, as well as monarch butterflies.
To tackle challenges facing pollinators, the Network rallied hundreds of thousands of gardeners, horticultural professionals, schools, and volunteers to help reach a million pollinator gardens. And thanks to the efforts of literally millions, that goal was reached! Now that the one million garden goal has been reached, the One Million Pollinator Garden Challenge is continuing, encouraging community members to continuing planting new pollinator gardens across the country.
Any individual can contribute by planting for pollinators and joining this effort to provide a million pollinator gardens across the United States. Every habitat of every size counts, from window boxes and garden plots to farm borders, golf courses, school gardens, corporate and university campuses. Everywhere we live, work, play and worship can, with small improvements, offer essential food and shelter for pollinators.
As a Keep America Beautiful affiliate, Keep Golden Isles Beautiful is proud to be part of the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge and encourages local groups, schools and individuals to participate in the Challenge by planting pollinator friendly gardens or registering existing gardens with the network.
Pollinator Gardens should:
use plants that provide nectar and pollen sources
provide a water source
be situated in sunny areas with wind breaks
create large “pollinator targets” of native or non-invasive plants
establish continuous bloom throughout the growing season
eliminate or minimize the impact of pesticides
For more Challenge information click HERE.